Been Busy


Sorry I haven’t updated or made a video in a while school is very time consuming :/ I spend HOURS doing it and I get so much of it that I barely have time to do fun things :/ Plus I’ve been super cleaning my room since I want to add new things in it so that also takes forever; especially since I have so many papers, books, toys, school work, and my astronomy stuff on my poor floor. It takes so long to clean my room. Also after I clean my room I have to add the fish banners across the walls which again takes a while to do :/ It’s getting very difficult to be able to update my blog or make any new videos for Youtube (btw I recently tried to upload Katelan’s Life and it said something like 652 minutes remaining  so I have to change the format which causes my computer to become VERY slow.) Also you will not believe how boring school gets. Don’t get my wrong I love doing Geology but I do not care about Glaciers, rivers or soil. Lately I’ve been spending my Saturdays my all time favourtie day of the week doing school :/ I think I might die if my next Saturday is filled with school work! Also on Friday (Hip Hop Dance Class) I FINALLY got a move I’ve been working on! I can’t really explain what it looks like but it made me happy that I was able to do it! You know, I wish all the boring parts of school would disappear and be replaced by dance! Now that would be cool. Imagine you’re just doing something fun like Astronomy or History and then you have to go to Science class. Everything is okay since you like doing Science, but then you find out you’re not doing something fun like experiments, no today you’re doing….DENSITY!!!! (I HATE Density, it is so hard!) suddenly you walk into the class and it changes into your dance room! You are instantly dressed into the clothes you wear to dance class and dance until the next class. Now that would be awesome. And for the people who like Density they just get the class while people who hate it get dance class! Actually then everyone would want to hate it so they could do dance, but then again you still need to learn about Density and how to do it even if it’s hard. But still, dance instead of Density would be my dream. So that’s why I haven’t updated anything in a while. Hopefully school will get easier and I’ll be able to actually update. Until then I should go to bed. Night.

I’m Starting Hip Hop In A Few Days!


So I’m SUPER excited because I’m taking Hip Hop Dance Classes on the 13th! I am SO EXCITED! I’ve loved dance for as long as I can remember! So actually taking the classes is going to be AWESOME!!!! I’ve already got everything I need (Bought the last thing a few days ago) So I now have everything 🙂 I am in love with the shoes you wear for Hip Hop, THEY ARE SOOOO AMAZING! 😀 Mine are black, white, and blue and they are Hi-Tops and I love them. Plus they have that new shoe smell I like 🙂 Only a few days left before I can take my first ever dance class. SO excited!

The Count Down Has Begun! – 3 Days Till Camp!


me all packed for camp 2013!

That’s right! I’m going to camp in 3 days! (Well since this blog is ahead for some reason it says I’m posting this at 2:39 A.M but that’s a lie! It’s like 10:39 P.M!) I cannot wait! I actually already packed (Video soon!) and I’m ready for camp!!! I’m going to have TONS of fun! (I’ll also have fun on the bus ride since 2 of my friends are going to the SAME camp as me! EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!) There are only like 2 things that I can think of that are bad about camp! 1. I’ll get a sunburn (No matter what I do I ALWAYS mange to get one! :/) and 2. Waking up early (I’m not an early bird, especially in the summer!) but besides that EVERYTHING will be AWESOME!!!!! Also I’m surprisingly good at packing (especially since I’m a girl and I NEED soooooo much stuff for my hair) I drew a little picture above of me with my backpack and little carry on thingy. I am sooooo excited for camp! 🙂 Well I think I should go to bed now (Been waking up early so I get use to camp time) So yeah! I’m going to go to bed now, night ^.^

Update On Liv Dolls: Katelan’s Life!


The next episode of Liv Dolls: Katelan’s Life is Season 2 Episode 9! This is the season finale and then Season 3 will come out! I still don’t know when I’ll upload this epic season finale but hopefully soon! So I will try and upload this episode before I go to camp (Which is July 6th 2013) So I’ll make a new post when I upload the season 2 finale, so yeah! Stay tooned! 🙂

I Dip Dyed My Hair!



My hair is now Dip Dyed! My older sister helped me (since she dyes her own hair) at first we used a red that turned my hair Orange, then we tried a different dye which turned my hair SUPER red so then we put some shampoo in my hair which made my hair this Light Red colour. I did film the progress of my hair being dyed (except for the orange part :/ ) so that video will be uploaded on my channel “Fishyguyguy9”  so stayed tuned because that will be uploaded soon! And now you’re probably wondering. “Kuniko why did you dye so little of your hair?” Well that’s because if I didn’t like it it was go away faster. But I DO like it ALOT! But now you’re probably wondering “Kuniko why don’t you dye it higher up now you know that you like it?” Well I would but I’m going to Camp in July 2013 and my hair will grow VERY fast since I’ll be outside like all the time (since you know; it’s camp!”) then after camp I’ll need a hair cut which would end up getting rid of the colour. So after camp (Which will be the end of July) I will be able to dye it higher up! So yeah, I will end up posting that video of my hair getting dyed and also about Katelan’s Life! The episode that’s coming out is Season 2 Episode 9 which will come out soon, I promise! Anyway I really, really, REALLY like my new hair colour and can’t wait for you guys and girls to see the video when it uploads (hopefully I’ll upload it this month!) 🙂 (Oh wanna know a secret? I actually got my hair dyed on Wednesday but for some reason I never got around to writing a blog post about my hair, strange)

My Birthday! :)

Today is May 29th! (But for some reason the blog says it’s May 30th, weird) And since it’s May 29th that means it’s my birthday! I love, love, love, love, LOVE! Everything I got! You can watch the video I posted on Youtube of what I got for my birthday which is right here:

Since it’s my birthday I got my own special food! For Breakfast I got Strawberries, for lunch I had Grilled Cheese (same with supper) and then instead of a birthday cake I had a birthday pie since I don’t like cake! It was a yummy Lemon Meringue Pie! I had a good birthday! And to finish off this cool day I decided to read and play Mine Craft! 🙂 I hope my next birthday is as cool as this one! 🙂


Why I Like Spring!

Spring is here! Since Spring has finally sprung I’m going to tell you why I like Spring!

I like spring; since: You can watch the flowers bloom, the trees grow leaves, the grass becomes green, the birds start to sing, it becomes warmer, and it means that summer is coming soon! I also like spring since my birthday is in spring, and my birthday means presents and presents mean videos! I like Spring so much I even made a video about it.