I Am Excited For Perseids Meteor Shower!


I am getting sooooooo excited for Perseids Meteor Shower! This year will be VERY good to see it since the moon is a crescent moon so it won’t mess anything up. This will be my first year watching the Meteor Shower which makes it even more exciting! I’ve been trying to find Perseus in the sky but I have had no luck so far :/ Hopefully when I go to the spot to watch the meteor shower I’ll be able to find it (Since there are lights where I live I have to drive away from any civilization (well my dad drives since I am too young to drive) ) But it will be AWESOME! I just hope it doesn’t rain or that any clouds will cover the beautiful sky. Well, I’ll just have to wait and see! But yeah! Also since it’s going to be kinda cold I’m going to wear my Pjs and have my fuzzy fish fire blanket with me so I can stay nice and warm 🙂

Random fact!: Did you know that the 2013 Triple Planetary Alignment happened near my birthday. So to me it was like a birthday present 🙂 

Sleepy Kuniko Is Sleepy



I am very sleepy. This post has no relevance at all. This is just me being sleepy but refusing to go to bed since I’m trying to get my sleep schedule back. *Yawn* I am tired. My mind tends to think of weird things when I’m tired. Imagine a dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut. Mmmmmmm I could eat a doughnut now. But we don’t have any right now. Hmmm maybe I should go and make my own! What do I need to make *YAWN* a doughnut. Let’s see….I need dough, I need sprinkles, I need frosting, and I need magic doughnut making powers! Okay yeah I really should go to bed.

“But Kuniko you should stay up late since it’s summer, school’s coming back soon and you won’t be able to stay up!” Says a high pitched voice. Suddenly a Kuniko with angel wings appears on my left shoulder and then a Kuniko with devil winds and horns appears on my right shoulder.

“Stay up late Kuniko!” Says the Devil Kuniko.

“No, don’t listen to her!” The Angel Kuniko says loudly. For such a small person, thing she sure can speak loudly!

“Come on Kuniko, stay up late. Imagine how good that will be for your brain!” Says the Devil me as she pokes me with her pitch fork.

“No she’s lying Kuniko!” The angel cries. I look at them both and rub my eyes. I blink a few times and they’re still there!

“Okay yeah I’m going to go to bed no matter what. My body will force me to sleep.” I say calmly. They both look at me; eyes popped out in shock.

“But she can’t think logiclly!” Spits the Devil me. “She’s too tired for that!” I close my eyes and drift to sleep. I then have a dream about a Dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut and then I wake up and have funtastic adventures! The End!

Okay I’m going to bed now, night!

I AM BACK! (Well I came back on the 26th of July)


I am back from summer camp! Now you’re probably wondering, “Kuniko you said you will come back on the 26th of July. Why didn’t you post anything after you came back???” Well you see. Camp messed up my sleep schedule causing me to go to bed at the most ridiculous time and make me wake up at the most ridiculous time. So I’ve been VERY tired and been going to bed early. But I’m starting to get my normal sleep schedule back which is good! Which also means I can update and post more things now that I’m not going to bed SUPER early! 🙂


The Count Down Has Begun! – 1 Day Till Camp!



random picture i found and added me in it <- Random picture I found on Google and added me in it 🙂

Oh my goodness! I am leaving for camp tomorrow!!!! I am soooooooooo excited!!!!! 3 Weeks of awesome here I come! 😀 Today is going to be pretty long (well seem long anyway). I only have a few hours before I go to bed and then it’s CAMP! 😀 Man oh man I’m excited! 🙂

The Count Down Had Begun! – 2 Days Till Camp!



me underwater 2013 camp cartoon


Yay! Only twos days till I’m off to camp for three weeks! 🙂  I’ve never been to this camp before but my older brother and sisters have. They told me that the food is actually suppose to be pretty good! Whew I sure hope so! About 5ish years ago I was at this three day camp thingy and the eggs were like all soggy and runny. It was soooo gross! EW! Just thinking about that makes me get grossed out! I really hope they have potatoes and rice but I doubt they will! I think they’ll have things like Pancakes, Yogurt, Cereal, Eggs, and Sausages. I don’t know why but I want camp to have potatoes and rice! (Maybe since I’ll be gone for three weeks without my favorite foods, maybe that’s why I am hoping they have it!)

I love potatoes and rice Oh how I will miss my beloved Potatoes and Rice! But Camp is going to be a BLAST! 😀

The Count Down Has Begun! – 3 Days Till Camp!


me all packed for camp 2013!

That’s right! I’m going to camp in 3 days! (Well since this blog is ahead for some reason it says I’m posting this at 2:39 A.M but that’s a lie! It’s like 10:39 P.M!) I cannot wait! I actually already packed (Video soon!) and I’m ready for camp!!! I’m going to have TONS of fun! (I’ll also have fun on the bus ride since 2 of my friends are going to the SAME camp as me! EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!) There are only like 2 things that I can think of that are bad about camp! 1. I’ll get a sunburn (No matter what I do I ALWAYS mange to get one! :/) and 2. Waking up early (I’m not an early bird, especially in the summer!) but besides that EVERYTHING will be AWESOME!!!!! Also I’m surprisingly good at packing (especially since I’m a girl and I NEED soooooo much stuff for my hair) I drew a little picture above of me with my backpack and little carry on thingy. I am sooooo excited for camp! 🙂 Well I think I should go to bed now (Been waking up early so I get use to camp time) So yeah! I’m going to go to bed now, night ^.^

How To Wait For Summer Camp!

Ever since I knew I was going to camp I was sooooooo excited! Waiting for camp is hard but here’s some tips on how to wait for summer camp! Enjoy 🙂

1. Hang out with friends

This is the easiest thing to do and it makes the days go by SUPER fast!

2. Read an exciting book

Reading an exciting book really helps the time pass by! You are stuck in the book’s world insted of your own making you forget about the exciting event that’s coming up!

3. Catch up on TV shows

Is there a show that you’ve wanted to see but never found the time for? Well since it’s summer you have no school so why not watch that show you wanted to see and before you know it summer camp will be just around the corner! (This one works the best in my opinion!)

4. Watch a movie

Watching a movie passes time a lot since movies are so long! Movies I recommend are Lord Of The Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit (Since they’re really long movies)

5. Start up a new hobby

New hobbies kill time which is exactly what you’re trying to do! Plus after you learn a new hobby you’ll have something fun to do after camp!

6. Go shopping!

Shopping takes up sooooo much time since you have to find what you’re looking for!

7. Write a novel

Novels take time and effort and after you’re done writing you’ll have a book to read on the bus to camp!

I hope these help you wait for summer camp to arrive!

I’m Getting Sooooooo Excited For CAMP!!!

cartoon me at camp bunks!



I leave for summer camp in 4 days!!!!! The camp is three weeks (well 20 days) long and I’m going to have soooo much fun! 🙂 I already have everything I need for camp in my dresser ready to be packed! (I’m going to pack on Thursday or Friday night since I leave Saturday) Camp is going to be the best thing EVER!!!! I can’t wait!!!!

I’m probably going to pack everything in my duffle bag and the things I need with me in a backpack so I can just sit them by my feet on the bus! Wow, four days away until I go to camp! 🙂

My Favourite Planet, Star, Constellation, Moon, Galaxy And Nebula!

I know lots of Astronomers have a favourite Planet, Star, Constellation, Moon, Galaxy and Nebula so I’ve decided to tell you what my favourite ones are!


I actually have two favourite planets at the moment. My two favourites are Neptune and Saturn! I like Neptune because it had a Great Dark Spot and I think that’s pretty cool! Plus the colour is pretty 🙂 I like Saturn because of the rings around it and because one of its’ moons is Enceladus!

My Two Favourite Planets!


The sun. The sun is my favourite star since it’s so interesting! I also like the sun because Summer just wouldn’t be the same with out it! Plus it’s just awesome looking!


I like the Constellation Draco! I like this Constellation since I LOVE dragons and my grandma’s nickname is Draco (I think because she’s as old as a Dragon or something!)


This was the easiest question to answer 🙂 My favourite moon is defiantly Enceladus! Enceladus is amazing since it shoots geysers out! I also really like it because it’s cold yet it shoots out these amazing geysers! I also think that under all that ice could be some new sort of species of fish! Plus Enceladus is one of Saturn’s moon 🙂


My favourite Galaxy is Andromina! It is a close tie with The Milky Way but I choose Andromina as my favourite! I just think that the whole thing about Andromina fusing with the Milky Way is so cool!


My favourite Nebula is The Crab Nebula! The reason I LOVE the Crab Nebula is because it looks awesome and because it was a GIANT supernova explosion! Which is very cool!

So there it is, I hope you enjoyed reading my favourites! Thanks for reading 🙂