Been Busy


Sorry I haven’t updated or made a video in a while school is very time consuming :/ I spend HOURS doing it and I get so much of it that I barely have time to do fun things :/ Plus I’ve been super cleaning my room since I want to add new things in it so that also takes forever; especially since I have so many papers, books, toys, school work, and my astronomy stuff on my poor floor. It takes so long to clean my room. Also after I clean my room I have to add the fish banners across the walls which again takes a while to do :/ It’s getting very difficult to be able to update my blog or make any new videos for Youtube (btw I recently tried to upload Katelan’s Life and it said something like 652 minutes remaining  so I have to change the format which causes my computer to become VERY slow.) Also you will not believe how boring school gets. Don’t get my wrong I love doing Geology but I do not care about Glaciers, rivers or soil. Lately I’ve been spending my Saturdays my all time favourtie day of the week doing school :/ I think I might die if my next Saturday is filled with school work! Also on Friday (Hip Hop Dance Class) I FINALLY got a move I’ve been working on! I can’t really explain what it looks like but it made me happy that I was able to do it! You know, I wish all the boring parts of school would disappear and be replaced by dance! Now that would be cool. Imagine you’re just doing something fun like Astronomy or History and then you have to go to Science class. Everything is okay since you like doing Science, but then you find out you’re not doing something fun like experiments, no today you’re doing….DENSITY!!!! (I HATE Density, it is so hard!) suddenly you walk into the class and it changes into your dance room! You are instantly dressed into the clothes you wear to dance class and dance until the next class. Now that would be awesome. And for the people who like Density they just get the class while people who hate it get dance class! Actually then everyone would want to hate it so they could do dance, but then again you still need to learn about Density and how to do it even if it’s hard. But still, dance instead of Density would be my dream. So that’s why I haven’t updated anything in a while. Hopefully school will get easier and I’ll be able to actually update. Until then I should go to bed. Night.

I Am Excited For Perseids Meteor Shower!


I am getting sooooooo excited for Perseids Meteor Shower! This year will be VERY good to see it since the moon is a crescent moon so it won’t mess anything up. This will be my first year watching the Meteor Shower which makes it even more exciting! I’ve been trying to find Perseus in the sky but I have had no luck so far :/ Hopefully when I go to the spot to watch the meteor shower I’ll be able to find it (Since there are lights where I live I have to drive away from any civilization (well my dad drives since I am too young to drive) ) But it will be AWESOME! I just hope it doesn’t rain or that any clouds will cover the beautiful sky. Well, I’ll just have to wait and see! But yeah! Also since it’s going to be kinda cold I’m going to wear my Pjs and have my fuzzy fish fire blanket with me so I can stay nice and warm 🙂

Random fact!: Did you know that the 2013 Triple Planetary Alignment happened near my birthday. So to me it was like a birthday present 🙂 

My Favourite Planet, Star, Constellation, Moon, Galaxy And Nebula!

I know lots of Astronomers have a favourite Planet, Star, Constellation, Moon, Galaxy and Nebula so I’ve decided to tell you what my favourite ones are!


I actually have two favourite planets at the moment. My two favourites are Neptune and Saturn! I like Neptune because it had a Great Dark Spot and I think that’s pretty cool! Plus the colour is pretty 🙂 I like Saturn because of the rings around it and because one of its’ moons is Enceladus!

My Two Favourite Planets!


The sun. The sun is my favourite star since it’s so interesting! I also like the sun because Summer just wouldn’t be the same with out it! Plus it’s just awesome looking!


I like the Constellation Draco! I like this Constellation since I LOVE dragons and my grandma’s nickname is Draco (I think because she’s as old as a Dragon or something!)


This was the easiest question to answer 🙂 My favourite moon is defiantly Enceladus! Enceladus is amazing since it shoots geysers out! I also really like it because it’s cold yet it shoots out these amazing geysers! I also think that under all that ice could be some new sort of species of fish! Plus Enceladus is one of Saturn’s moon 🙂


My favourite Galaxy is Andromina! It is a close tie with The Milky Way but I choose Andromina as my favourite! I just think that the whole thing about Andromina fusing with the Milky Way is so cool!


My favourite Nebula is The Crab Nebula! The reason I LOVE the Crab Nebula is because it looks awesome and because it was a GIANT supernova explosion! Which is very cool!

So there it is, I hope you enjoyed reading my favourites! Thanks for reading 🙂

I Might Be Able To Look At The Stars & Planets Today!

Since I got an AWESOME Telescope for my birthday I’ve been waiting for it to not be cloudy so I can view space. So far there has been like no clouds all day; I’m hoping for it to be a clear night so I can stargaze and try and find the planets! The first thing I want to find with my telescope is the Moon! After I find the Moon I’m going to try and find Saturn and look at it’s rings! I’m so excited to use my telescope; I just hope that it’s a clear night! I have a higher chance to find the Moon than Saturn but I can still try! Too bad my birthday wasn’t in Winter; since Winter is the best time to look at the stars and planets. But yeah, I’m really excited to use my telescope and I really, really, really, REALLY hope that it was be clear at night! So excited! 🙂