My Birthday! :)

Today is May 29th! (But for some reason the blog says it’s May 30th, weird) And since it’s May 29th that means it’s my birthday! I love, love, love, love, LOVE! Everything I got! You can watch the video I posted on Youtube of what I got for my birthday which is right here:

Since it’s my birthday I got my own special food! For Breakfast I got Strawberries, for lunch I had Grilled Cheese (same with supper) and then instead of a birthday cake I had a birthday pie since I don’t like cake! It was a yummy Lemon Meringue Pie! I had a good birthday! And to finish off this cool day I decided to read and play Mine Craft! 🙂 I hope my next birthday is as cool as this one! 🙂


Creeper War!

M older brother and I hide our creeper plushies and we tried to look for them. We used long balloons as arrows and then whoever found both Creepers and placed them on the dining room table won! I won because I found his Creeper (Which he hid behind the coat rack) I then got my Creeper out of her hiding spot and won! It was a very fun game and I can’t wait to play again! 🙂


Creeper Plush

Creeper Plush From J!!!!!!

Creeper PlushA few days ago I got the cutest creeper plush EVER! This creeper plush is 14 inches tall and he’s SUPER smooshy! And squishy and soft and huggable and just amazing!!! (That was a lot of ands) If you press the right side of his adorable body he will make the creeper ssssss boom sound! I will make a video and review on him so stayed tuned!