Mermaid Earrings!

I was on Google looking at pictures of Mermaids (I do that alot! 🙂 ) and I came across this picture. Isn’t it pretty? I love the way the tails are detailed (ha-ha deTAILED! Wow I’m lame….) the way the colours go from gold, to green, to blue! I also LOVE the fins at the bottom of the tail! I think they’re very pretty and VERY Mermaid-Like! Man, If I ever met a Mermaid or Merman I’d ask he/she if they could get me a pair of Mermaid Earrings or make me a Mermaid! If I EVER meet a Mermaid or Merman I’d ask sooooooo many questions! What would you ask a Mermaid or Merman if you ever met one? Leave a comment I would LOVE to know (just in case I meet one I can ask them your question(s) lol) If I ever meet a Mermaid or Merman I think I might drive them CRAZY with all the questions! LOL! 🙂

I Wish I Was A Mermaid….

I wish I was a mermaid with a blue and purple tail. I wish I could freeze and control water. I wish I could go swimming in the ocean and be able to breathe underwater. Imagine, every time I touch water my legs would fuse together and become a beautiful tail which was full of blue and purple scales and it felt like a fish. Whenever I would get my tail it would cause no pain to me at all and it would look so cool! I would be able to swim in the ocean and hang out with all the other fish. I could search for buried treasure or even Atlantis! I could find beautiful sea shells to add to my collection of shells. I could swim for hours and never get tired. I could swim to a beach and just hang out! Begin a mermaid would be the coolest thing ever! Whenever I would get water on me I would turn into a mermaid; and whenever I would be dry I would be a human. That would be the coolest thing ever….