I Am Excited For Perseids Meteor Shower!


I am getting sooooooo excited for Perseids Meteor Shower! This year will be VERY good to see it since the moon is a crescent moon so it won’t mess anything up. This will be my first year watching the Meteor Shower which makes it even more exciting! I’ve been trying to find Perseus in the sky but I have had no luck so far :/ Hopefully when I go to the spot to watch the meteor shower I’ll be able to find it (Since there are lights where I live I have to drive away from any civilization (well my dad drives since I am too young to drive) ) But it will be AWESOME! I just hope it doesn’t rain or that any clouds will cover the beautiful sky. Well, I’ll just have to wait and see! But yeah! Also since it’s going to be kinda cold I’m going to wear my Pjs and have my fuzzy fish fire blanket with me so I can stay nice and warm 🙂

Random fact!: Did you know that the 2013 Triple Planetary Alignment happened near my birthday. So to me it was like a birthday present 🙂 

Summer’s So Close I Can Almost Taste It!

Summer is sooooo close! I’m so excited for it! I can almost taste the chlorine water and the smell of BBQs and outside! I can’t wait to go swimming with my mermaid tail and diving off the diving board! I also can’t wait for school is finish! Here is a list of things I’m excited about for summer!:


Mermaid Tail

Water Balloon Fights

Hanging out with my friends

No School!!!


New books coming out in summer!

More time to read

The Mulberries on the Mulberry Tree to be ready to eat

Ice cream


A bunch of different hair styles I can do for summer!

More time to write my blog!

More time to write my novel

More videos

More time to upload Youtube videos!

I can wear summer clothes!

I can wear my summer lip gloss 😀

and much MUCH more! 🙂

I am so excited for summer to arrive! June 21st is when Summer begins! I’m soooooooooooooo excited for summer!

My Birthday! :)

Today is May 29th! (But for some reason the blog says it’s May 30th, weird) And since it’s May 29th that means it’s my birthday! I love, love, love, love, LOVE! Everything I got! You can watch the video I posted on Youtube of what I got for my birthday which is right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfz94Yh6LYw

Since it’s my birthday I got my own special food! For Breakfast I got Strawberries, for lunch I had Grilled Cheese (same with supper) and then instead of a birthday cake I had a birthday pie since I don’t like cake! It was a yummy Lemon Meringue Pie! I had a good birthday! And to finish off this cool day I decided to read and play Mine Craft! 🙂 I hope my next birthday is as cool as this one! 🙂