Why all bugs should be replaced by Minions.

Bugs should be replaced by Minions!


(Wow I haven’t made a most in a while…)

So I made a post before about House Centipedes and how scary they are. As you know and have probably experienced in your life, bugs are terrifying.  Bugs have so many legs that just crawl around, they are scary to look at, and in some cases (like the black widow spider) could kill you. So bugs are probably the scariest things out there. But what if one day all the bugs were magically replaced by Minions? Well at first I think people would be pretty freaked out, but soon they would realize that Minions are MUCH better than bugs. Minions are cute, they have multiple eyes (most bugs do too but they are freaky!), they are silly, they will work for you, they will make your day much better, they are nice, they are adorable, and much much more! Imagine if bugs were replaced by minions, imagine how many people would go exploring knowing that there are no more bugs to bite them, imagine, they could save your life if you hurt your leg in the forest. You wouldn’t be alone in fear if you got lost, the minions would make you happy and probably help you home. Now there are some people who like other bugs like lady bugs, grass hoppers, crickets, etc. But wouldn’t a minion be better? If you have ever went to camp or somewhere there are always those freaky spiders around, imagine how awesome it would be if all those freaky possibly deadly spiders were replaced by minions! You wouldn’t have to worry about ants either, the minions would join you on your picnic and it would be awesome! A world without bugs would be odd, but if they were all replaced by minions the world would be a better place. 🙂


I hope you enjoyed that! Also I haven’t made a post in a while since I have been working on my room, doing school, writing essays, watching tv, and of course reading. I will try to update more often so stay tuned! 


Been Busy


Sorry I haven’t updated or made a video in a while school is very time consuming :/ I spend HOURS doing it and I get so much of it that I barely have time to do fun things :/ Plus I’ve been super cleaning my room since I want to add new things in it so that also takes forever; especially since I have so many papers, books, toys, school work, and my astronomy stuff on my poor floor. It takes so long to clean my room. Also after I clean my room I have to add the fish banners across the walls which again takes a while to do :/ It’s getting very difficult to be able to update my blog or make any new videos for Youtube (btw I recently tried to upload Katelan’s Life and it said something like 652 minutes remaining  so I have to change the format which causes my computer to become VERY slow.) Also you will not believe how boring school gets. Don’t get my wrong I love doing Geology but I do not care about Glaciers, rivers or soil. Lately I’ve been spending my Saturdays my all time favourtie day of the week doing school :/ I think I might die if my next Saturday is filled with school work! Also on Friday (Hip Hop Dance Class) I FINALLY got a move I’ve been working on! I can’t really explain what it looks like but it made me happy that I was able to do it! You know, I wish all the boring parts of school would disappear and be replaced by dance! Now that would be cool. Imagine you’re just doing something fun like Astronomy or History and then you have to go to Science class. Everything is okay since you like doing Science, but then you find out you’re not doing something fun like experiments, no today you’re doing….DENSITY!!!! (I HATE Density, it is so hard!) suddenly you walk into the class and it changes into your dance room! You are instantly dressed into the clothes you wear to dance class and dance until the next class. Now that would be awesome. And for the people who like Density they just get the class while people who hate it get dance class! Actually then everyone would want to hate it so they could do dance, but then again you still need to learn about Density and how to do it even if it’s hard. But still, dance instead of Density would be my dream. So that’s why I haven’t updated anything in a while. Hopefully school will get easier and I’ll be able to actually update. Until then I should go to bed. Night.

I Dream Of Minions!



I love the Minions from Despicable Me soooooooooooo much!!!! They are the cutest things EVER! My favourite minion is Stuart! He’s the minion with one big eye. I love him so much 🙂 I had this dream where I walked outside and there were THOUSANDS of minions on the street, sidewalk, etc. I screamed in joy and ran towards them all! I hugged every single one and ended up marrying Stuart! ❤ I love minions! 🙂

Sleepy Kuniko Is Sleepy



I am very sleepy. This post has no relevance at all. This is just me being sleepy but refusing to go to bed since I’m trying to get my sleep schedule back. *Yawn* I am tired. My mind tends to think of weird things when I’m tired. Imagine a dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut. Mmmmmmm I could eat a doughnut now. But we don’t have any right now. Hmmm maybe I should go and make my own! What do I need to make *YAWN* a doughnut. Let’s see….I need dough, I need sprinkles, I need frosting, and I need magic doughnut making powers! Okay yeah I really should go to bed.

“But Kuniko you should stay up late since it’s summer, school’s coming back soon and you won’t be able to stay up!” Says a high pitched voice. Suddenly a Kuniko with angel wings appears on my left shoulder and then a Kuniko with devil winds and horns appears on my right shoulder.

“Stay up late Kuniko!” Says the Devil Kuniko.

“No, don’t listen to her!” The Angel Kuniko says loudly. For such a small person, thing she sure can speak loudly!

“Come on Kuniko, stay up late. Imagine how good that will be for your brain!” Says the Devil me as she pokes me with her pitch fork.

“No she’s lying Kuniko!” The angel cries. I look at them both and rub my eyes. I blink a few times and they’re still there!

“Okay yeah I’m going to go to bed no matter what. My body will force me to sleep.” I say calmly. They both look at me; eyes popped out in shock.

“But she can’t think logiclly!” Spits the Devil me. “She’s too tired for that!” I close my eyes and drift to sleep. I then have a dream about a Dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut and then I wake up and have funtastic adventures! The End!

Okay I’m going to bed now, night!

Mermaid Earrings!

I was on Google looking at pictures of Mermaids (I do that alot! 🙂 ) and I came across this picture. Isn’t it pretty? I love the way the tails are detailed (ha-ha deTAILED! Wow I’m lame….) the way the colours go from gold, to green, to blue! I also LOVE the fins at the bottom of the tail! I think they’re very pretty and VERY Mermaid-Like! Man, If I ever met a Mermaid or Merman I’d ask he/she if they could get me a pair of Mermaid Earrings or make me a Mermaid! If I EVER meet a Mermaid or Merman I’d ask sooooooo many questions! What would you ask a Mermaid or Merman if you ever met one? Leave a comment I would LOVE to know (just in case I meet one I can ask them your question(s) lol) If I ever meet a Mermaid or Merman I think I might drive them CRAZY with all the questions! LOL! 🙂

Where Did Feb. 29th Go? (A Short Story)

As you know Feb. 29th only appears every few years and I came up with my own reason why it doesn’t appear every year, with a fun story! 😀


Once apon a time there was the number 29. One day all the numbers for Feb. Were getting ready to go on the calendar; Feb. 29th climbs up the calendar but when he makes it the month has already passed so he now must wait until next year to try again. Whenever he appears on the calendar he managed to climb up the calendar for that year. But when he doesn’t it means he is still trying to climb up the calendar and he’s just late.

I hope you enjoyed the Feb. 29th Story 🙂