Why all bugs should be replaced by Minions.

Bugs should be replaced by Minions!


(Wow I haven’t made a most in a while…)

So I made a post before about House Centipedes and how scary they are. As you know and have probably experienced in your life, bugs are terrifying.  Bugs have so many legs that just crawl around, they are scary to look at, and in some cases (like the black widow spider) could kill you. So bugs are probably the scariest things out there. But what if one day all the bugs were magically replaced by Minions? Well at first I think people would be pretty freaked out, but soon they would realize that Minions are MUCH better than bugs. Minions are cute, they have multiple eyes (most bugs do too but they are freaky!), they are silly, they will work for you, they will make your day much better, they are nice, they are adorable, and much much more! Imagine if bugs were replaced by minions, imagine how many people would go exploring knowing that there are no more bugs to bite them, imagine, they could save your life if you hurt your leg in the forest. You wouldn’t be alone in fear if you got lost, the minions would make you happy and probably help you home. Now there are some people who like other bugs like lady bugs, grass hoppers, crickets, etc. But wouldn’t a minion be better? If you have ever went to camp or somewhere there are always those freaky spiders around, imagine how awesome it would be if all those freaky possibly deadly spiders were replaced by minions! You wouldn’t have to worry about ants either, the minions would join you on your picnic and it would be awesome! A world without bugs would be odd, but if they were all replaced by minions the world would be a better place. 🙂


I hope you enjoyed that! Also I haven’t made a post in a while since I have been working on my room, doing school, writing essays, watching tv, and of course reading. I will try to update more often so stay tuned! 


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