I Love Dance!



I LOVE dance soooooooo much! Dance is so great and fun! Today I had Hip Hop and we practiced our routine and did other moves as well! The routine is so great! It has lots of movement and I just LOVE it! In our routine we have a partner and it’s just so great! Even after dance is over I continue dancing back at my own house. I love dance class and can’t wait to go back next week!

My First Day Of Hip Hop Dance Class!



So yesterday (Friday the 13th) I went to my first EVER dance class. And it was AWESOME!!!! The first thing we did was roll-call then we sat in a circle and started to stretch.  After stretching the teacher told us where to stand. I was at the back (since I was the tallest) and so was another girl, while the short people were in the front. We started to learn the basics (pops, grapevine, etc.) as we learned we danced faster then the teacher said we could end in any pose we wanted. I had my arms crossed and leaned to the side. She then told us to go to the corner. The other girls (who have already danced like doing Ballet or Jazz were in the front of the line while the people who have never danced went at the back of the line.) Our teacher told us that we had to dance to the other corner of the dance room. One at a time we would each do a move. First time everyone had to walk with attitude, second time we had to skip, third time we had to take 4 steps then do a move she tells us to do. This one move (you had to step out with your left foot and take 4 steps then to one grapevine then take 4 more steps then another grapevine) the girl who knew how to dance didn’t do it right so the teacher said “Kuniko, what foot do you step out on?” I answered “Left.” she smiled and said. “Alright Kuniko, show them how it’s done.” I felt so special! I went in the front of the line and did it and then we did other moves to. We had to take 4 steps then spread our legs apart and punch our arm to one side then the other arm to the other side (which was actually very hard!) we then formed back up like how we were when we started to dance. We did all the moves we learned and a few new ones as well! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun I can’t wait to go again!



Books are amazing things. Books can be enjoyable to read, a piece of history, they can scare you, they can make you laugh, and one of the best parts about a book is you can make one. Books are the greatest creation ever. Books bring you into a whole new world where dragons are flying in the skys, mermaids are swimming in the sea, where everything is magical. When reading a book you are in the world and you are watching the characters and you love every minute of it. Books are great pieces of history as well. Without history we would be lost. Even diaries/journals can count as pieces of history (like Annie Franks’s dairy) Books can tell the tale of your life or the tale of a character’s life. Without books we would be bored, without books we would be unable to express our creativity, without books we would all be lost. Books are important and they should always be taken care of.  Remember, books are awesome.

House Centipedes



This here is a common house centipede. Isn’t it SCARY!? I saw one in my kitchen one night when I went to get some water. I scared me sooooo bad! It looks deadly doesn’t it? It is scary but it’s actually not deadly or anything. It just looks freaky. But to me House Centipedes look like a mix of darkness and death mixed together in some bender full of fear and sorrow. Like what the heck? Why are they SO creepy!? They look like they want to eat my toes while I sleep! House Centipedes have to be one of the SCARIEST animals EVER! These things move VERY fast as well which makes it even scarier! All in all House Centipedes are evil and want to steal your soul.

I’m Starting Hip Hop In A Few Days!


So I’m SUPER excited because I’m taking Hip Hop Dance Classes on the 13th! I am SO EXCITED! I’ve loved dance for as long as I can remember! So actually taking the classes is going to be AWESOME!!!! I’ve already got everything I need (Bought the last thing a few days ago) So I now have everything 🙂 I am in love with the shoes you wear for Hip Hop, THEY ARE SOOOO AMAZING! 😀 Mine are black, white, and blue and they are Hi-Tops and I love them. Plus they have that new shoe smell I like 🙂 Only a few days left before I can take my first ever dance class. SO excited!