Sleepy Kuniko Is Sleepy



I am very sleepy. This post has no relevance at all. This is just me being sleepy but refusing to go to bed since I’m trying to get my sleep schedule back. *Yawn* I am tired. My mind tends to think of weird things when I’m tired. Imagine a dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut. Mmmmmmm I could eat a doughnut now. But we don’t have any right now. Hmmm maybe I should go and make my own! What do I need to make *YAWN* a doughnut. Let’s see….I need dough, I need sprinkles, I need frosting, and I need magic doughnut making powers! Okay yeah I really should go to bed.

“But Kuniko you should stay up late since it’s summer, school’s coming back soon and you won’t be able to stay up!” Says a high pitched voice. Suddenly a Kuniko with angel wings appears on my left shoulder and then a Kuniko with devil winds and horns appears on my right shoulder.

“Stay up late Kuniko!” Says the Devil Kuniko.

“No, don’t listen to her!” The Angel Kuniko says loudly. For such a small person, thing she sure can speak loudly!

“Come on Kuniko, stay up late. Imagine how good that will be for your brain!” Says the Devil me as she pokes me with her pitch fork.

“No she’s lying Kuniko!” The angel cries. I look at them both and rub my eyes. I blink a few times and they’re still there!

“Okay yeah I’m going to go to bed no matter what. My body will force me to sleep.” I say calmly. They both look at me; eyes popped out in shock.

“But she can’t think logiclly!” Spits the Devil me. “She’s too tired for that!” I close my eyes and drift to sleep. I then have a dream about a Dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut and then I wake up and have funtastic adventures! The End!

Okay I’m going to bed now, night!

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