I Dream Of Minions!



I love the Minions from Despicable Me soooooooooooo much!!!! They are the cutest things EVER! My favourite minion is Stuart! He’s the minion with one big eye. I love him so much 🙂 I had this dream where I walked outside and there were THOUSANDS of minions on the street, sidewalk, etc. I screamed in joy and ran towards them all! I hugged every single one and ended up marrying Stuart! ❤ I love minions! 🙂

I Am Excited For Perseids Meteor Shower!


I am getting sooooooo excited for Perseids Meteor Shower! This year will be VERY good to see it since the moon is a crescent moon so it won’t mess anything up. This will be my first year watching the Meteor Shower which makes it even more exciting! I’ve been trying to find Perseus in the sky but I have had no luck so far :/ Hopefully when I go to the spot to watch the meteor shower I’ll be able to find it (Since there are lights where I live I have to drive away from any civilization (well my dad drives since I am too young to drive) ) But it will be AWESOME! I just hope it doesn’t rain or that any clouds will cover the beautiful sky. Well, I’ll just have to wait and see! But yeah! Also since it’s going to be kinda cold I’m going to wear my Pjs and have my fuzzy fish fire blanket with me so I can stay nice and warm 🙂

Random fact!: Did you know that the 2013 Triple Planetary Alignment happened near my birthday. So to me it was like a birthday present 🙂 

Sleepy Kuniko Is Sleepy



I am very sleepy. This post has no relevance at all. This is just me being sleepy but refusing to go to bed since I’m trying to get my sleep schedule back. *Yawn* I am tired. My mind tends to think of weird things when I’m tired. Imagine a dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut. Mmmmmmm I could eat a doughnut now. But we don’t have any right now. Hmmm maybe I should go and make my own! What do I need to make *YAWN* a doughnut. Let’s see….I need dough, I need sprinkles, I need frosting, and I need magic doughnut making powers! Okay yeah I really should go to bed.

“But Kuniko you should stay up late since it’s summer, school’s coming back soon and you won’t be able to stay up!” Says a high pitched voice. Suddenly a Kuniko with angel wings appears on my left shoulder and then a Kuniko with devil winds and horns appears on my right shoulder.

“Stay up late Kuniko!” Says the Devil Kuniko.

“No, don’t listen to her!” The Angel Kuniko says loudly. For such a small person, thing she sure can speak loudly!

“Come on Kuniko, stay up late. Imagine how good that will be for your brain!” Says the Devil me as she pokes me with her pitch fork.

“No she’s lying Kuniko!” The angel cries. I look at them both and rub my eyes. I blink a few times and they’re still there!

“Okay yeah I’m going to go to bed no matter what. My body will force me to sleep.” I say calmly. They both look at me; eyes popped out in shock.

“But she can’t think logiclly!” Spits the Devil me. “She’s too tired for that!” I close my eyes and drift to sleep. I then have a dream about a Dinosaur eating a pink frosted sprinkle doughnut and then I wake up and have funtastic adventures! The End!

Okay I’m going to bed now, night!

I AM BACK! (Well I came back on the 26th of July)


I am back from summer camp! Now you’re probably wondering, “Kuniko you said you will come back on the 26th of July. Why didn’t you post anything after you came back???” Well you see. Camp messed up my sleep schedule causing me to go to bed at the most ridiculous time and make me wake up at the most ridiculous time. So I’ve been VERY tired and been going to bed early. But I’m starting to get my normal sleep schedule back which is good! Which also means I can update and post more things now that I’m not going to bed SUPER early! 🙂