The Count Down Has Begun! – 3 Days Till Camp!


me all packed for camp 2013!

That’s right! I’m going to camp in 3 days! (Well since this blog is ahead for some reason it says I’m posting this at 2:39 A.M but that’s a lie! It’s like 10:39 P.M!) I cannot wait! I actually already packed (Video soon!) and I’m ready for camp!!! I’m going to have TONS of fun! (I’ll also have fun on the bus ride since 2 of my friends are going to the SAME camp as me! EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!) There are only like 2 things that I can think of that are bad about camp! 1. I’ll get a sunburn (No matter what I do I ALWAYS mange to get one! :/) and 2. Waking up early (I’m not an early bird, especially in the summer!) but besides that EVERYTHING will be AWESOME!!!!! Also I’m surprisingly good at packing (especially since I’m a girl and I NEED soooooo much stuff for my hair) I drew a little picture above of me with my backpack and little carry on thingy. I am sooooo excited for camp! 🙂 Well I think I should go to bed now (Been waking up early so I get use to camp time) So yeah! I’m going to go to bed now, night ^.^

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