How To Wait For Summer Camp!

Ever since I knew I was going to camp I was sooooooo excited! Waiting for camp is hard but here’s some tips on how to wait for summer camp! Enjoy 🙂

1. Hang out with friends

This is the easiest thing to do and it makes the days go by SUPER fast!

2. Read an exciting book

Reading an exciting book really helps the time pass by! You are stuck in the book’s world insted of your own making you forget about the exciting event that’s coming up!

3. Catch up on TV shows

Is there a show that you’ve wanted to see but never found the time for? Well since it’s summer you have no school so why not watch that show you wanted to see and before you know it summer camp will be just around the corner! (This one works the best in my opinion!)

4. Watch a movie

Watching a movie passes time a lot since movies are so long! Movies I recommend are Lord Of The Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit (Since they’re really long movies)

5. Start up a new hobby

New hobbies kill time which is exactly what you’re trying to do! Plus after you learn a new hobby you’ll have something fun to do after camp!

6. Go shopping!

Shopping takes up sooooo much time since you have to find what you’re looking for!

7. Write a novel

Novels take time and effort and after you’re done writing you’ll have a book to read on the bus to camp!

I hope these help you wait for summer camp to arrive!

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