I Dip Dyed My Hair!



My hair is now Dip Dyed! My older sister helped me (since she dyes her own hair) at first we used a red that turned my hair Orange, then we tried a different dye which turned my hair SUPER red so then we put some shampoo in my hair which made my hair this Light Red colour. I did film the progress of my hair being dyed (except for the orange part :/ ) so that video will be uploaded on my channel “Fishyguyguy9”  so stayed tuned because that will be uploaded soon! And now you’re probably wondering. “Kuniko why did you dye so little of your hair?” Well that’s because if I didn’t like it it was go away faster. But I DO like it ALOT! But now you’re probably wondering “Kuniko why don’t you dye it higher up now you know that you like it?” Well I would but I’m going to Camp in July 2013 and my hair will grow VERY fast since I’ll be outside like all the time (since you know; it’s camp!”) then after camp I’ll need a hair cut which would end up getting rid of the colour. So after camp (Which will be the end of July) I will be able to dye it higher up! So yeah, I will end up posting that video of my hair getting dyed and also about Katelan’s Life! The episode that’s coming out is Season 2 Episode 9 which will come out soon, I promise! Anyway I really, really, REALLY like my new hair colour and can’t wait for you guys and girls to see the video when it uploads (hopefully I’ll upload it this month!) 🙂 (Oh wanna know a secret? I actually got my hair dyed on Wednesday but for some reason I never got around to writing a blog post about my hair, strange)

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