Update On Liv Dolls: Katelan’s Life!


The next episode of Liv Dolls: Katelan’s Life is Season 2 Episode 9! This is the season finale and then Season 3 will come out! I still don’t know when I’ll upload this epic season finale but hopefully soon! So I will try and upload this episode before I go to camp (Which is July 6th 2013) So I’ll make a new post when I upload the season 2 finale, so yeah! Stay tooned! 🙂

My Favourite Planet, Star, Constellation, Moon, Galaxy And Nebula!

I know lots of Astronomers have a favourite Planet, Star, Constellation, Moon, Galaxy and Nebula so I’ve decided to tell you what my favourite ones are!


I actually have two favourite planets at the moment. My two favourites are Neptune and Saturn! I like Neptune because it had a Great Dark Spot and I think that’s pretty cool! Plus the colour is pretty 🙂 I like Saturn because of the rings around it and because one of its’ moons is Enceladus!

My Two Favourite Planets!


The sun. The sun is my favourite star since it’s so interesting! I also like the sun because Summer just wouldn’t be the same with out it! Plus it’s just awesome looking!


I like the Constellation Draco! I like this Constellation since I LOVE dragons and my grandma’s nickname is Draco (I think because she’s as old as a Dragon or something!)


This was the easiest question to answer 🙂 My favourite moon is defiantly Enceladus! Enceladus is amazing since it shoots geysers out! I also really like it because it’s cold yet it shoots out these amazing geysers! I also think that under all that ice could be some new sort of species of fish! Plus Enceladus is one of Saturn’s moon 🙂


My favourite Galaxy is Andromina! It is a close tie with The Milky Way but I choose Andromina as my favourite! I just think that the whole thing about Andromina fusing with the Milky Way is so cool!


My favourite Nebula is The Crab Nebula! The reason I LOVE the Crab Nebula is because it looks awesome and because it was a GIANT supernova explosion! Which is very cool!

So there it is, I hope you enjoyed reading my favourites! Thanks for reading 🙂

I Dip Dyed My Hair!



My hair is now Dip Dyed! My older sister helped me (since she dyes her own hair) at first we used a red that turned my hair Orange, then we tried a different dye which turned my hair SUPER red so then we put some shampoo in my hair which made my hair this Light Red colour. I did film the progress of my hair being dyed (except for the orange part :/ ) so that video will be uploaded on my channel “Fishyguyguy9”  so stayed tuned because that will be uploaded soon! And now you’re probably wondering. “Kuniko why did you dye so little of your hair?” Well that’s because if I didn’t like it it was go away faster. But I DO like it ALOT! But now you’re probably wondering “Kuniko why don’t you dye it higher up now you know that you like it?” Well I would but I’m going to Camp in July 2013 and my hair will grow VERY fast since I’ll be outside like all the time (since you know; it’s camp!”) then after camp I’ll need a hair cut which would end up getting rid of the colour. So after camp (Which will be the end of July) I will be able to dye it higher up! So yeah, I will end up posting that video of my hair getting dyed and also about Katelan’s Life! The episode that’s coming out is Season 2 Episode 9 which will come out soon, I promise! Anyway I really, really, REALLY like my new hair colour and can’t wait for you guys and girls to see the video when it uploads (hopefully I’ll upload it this month!) 🙂 (Oh wanna know a secret? I actually got my hair dyed on Wednesday but for some reason I never got around to writing a blog post about my hair, strange)

Mermaid Earrings!

I was on Google looking at pictures of Mermaids (I do that alot! 🙂 ) and I came across this picture. Isn’t it pretty? I love the way the tails are detailed (ha-ha deTAILED! Wow I’m lame….) the way the colours go from gold, to green, to blue! I also LOVE the fins at the bottom of the tail! I think they’re very pretty and VERY Mermaid-Like! Man, If I ever met a Mermaid or Merman I’d ask he/she if they could get me a pair of Mermaid Earrings or make me a Mermaid! If I EVER meet a Mermaid or Merman I’d ask sooooooo many questions! What would you ask a Mermaid or Merman if you ever met one? Leave a comment I would LOVE to know (just in case I meet one I can ask them your question(s) lol) If I ever meet a Mermaid or Merman I think I might drive them CRAZY with all the questions! LOL! 🙂

I Might Be Able To Look At The Stars & Planets Today!

Since I got an AWESOME Telescope for my birthday I’ve been waiting for it to not be cloudy so I can view space. So far there has been like no clouds all day; I’m hoping for it to be a clear night so I can stargaze and try and find the planets! The first thing I want to find with my telescope is the Moon! After I find the Moon I’m going to try and find Saturn and look at it’s rings! I’m so excited to use my telescope; I just hope that it’s a clear night! I have a higher chance to find the Moon than Saturn but I can still try! Too bad my birthday wasn’t in Winter; since Winter is the best time to look at the stars and planets. But yeah, I’m really excited to use my telescope and I really, really, really, REALLY hope that it was be clear at night! So excited! 🙂

I Wish I Was A Mermaid….

I wish I was a mermaid with a blue and purple tail. I wish I could freeze and control water. I wish I could go swimming in the ocean and be able to breathe underwater. Imagine, every time I touch water my legs would fuse together and become a beautiful tail which was full of blue and purple scales and it felt like a fish. Whenever I would get my tail it would cause no pain to me at all and it would look so cool! I would be able to swim in the ocean and hang out with all the other fish. I could search for buried treasure or even Atlantis! I could find beautiful sea shells to add to my collection of shells. I could swim for hours and never get tired. I could swim to a beach and just hang out! Begin a mermaid would be the coolest thing ever! Whenever I would get water on me I would turn into a mermaid; and whenever I would be dry I would be a human. That would be the coolest thing ever….

Summer’s So Close I Can Almost Taste It!

Summer is sooooo close! I’m so excited for it! I can almost taste the chlorine water and the smell of BBQs and outside! I can’t wait to go swimming with my mermaid tail and diving off the diving board! I also can’t wait for school is finish! Here is a list of things I’m excited about for summer!:


Mermaid Tail

Water Balloon Fights

Hanging out with my friends

No School!!!


New books coming out in summer!

More time to read

The Mulberries on the Mulberry Tree to be ready to eat

Ice cream


A bunch of different hair styles I can do for summer!

More time to write my blog!

More time to write my novel

More videos

More time to upload Youtube videos!

I can wear summer clothes!

I can wear my summer lip gloss 😀

and much MUCH more! 🙂

I am so excited for summer to arrive! June 21st is when Summer begins! I’m soooooooooooooo excited for summer!