Trampoline Pool!

TrampolinePoolTrampoline Pool is where you put a hose (with a nozzle) on the net of your Trampoline and play on the Trampoline. Since my pool hasn’t opened yet, me and my younger siblings decided to play Trampoline Pool! Me & G.J put the hose on the net and then made sure it automatically sprayed water. Me and my siblings then went on the Trampoline and started to bonce. We then did tricks and then we would ask each other questions and  if we got the questions wrong we would have to jump REALLY close to the hose and get soaked! I got most of the questions right but since I love water and jumped in front of the hose anyway 🙂 After about 30-40 minutes of Trampoline Pool we turned off the hose and un-hooked it from the Trampoline. I really like Trampoline Pool and I can’t wait for tomorrow so I can play Trampoline Pool again!!! 🙂

My Birthday! :)

Today is May 29th! (But for some reason the blog says it’s May 30th, weird) And since it’s May 29th that means it’s my birthday! I love, love, love, love, LOVE! Everything I got! You can watch the video I posted on Youtube of what I got for my birthday which is right here:

Since it’s my birthday I got my own special food! For Breakfast I got Strawberries, for lunch I had Grilled Cheese (same with supper) and then instead of a birthday cake I had a birthday pie since I don’t like cake! It was a yummy Lemon Meringue Pie! I had a good birthday! And to finish off this cool day I decided to read and play Mine Craft! 🙂 I hope my next birthday is as cool as this one! 🙂