Where Did Feb. 29th Go? (A Short Story)

As you know Feb. 29th only appears every few years and I came up with my own reason why it doesn’t appear every year, with a fun story! 😀


Once apon a time there was the number 29. One day all the numbers for Feb. Were getting ready to go on the calendar; Feb. 29th climbs up the calendar but when he makes it the month has already passed so he now must wait until next year to try again. Whenever he appears on the calendar he managed to climb up the calendar for that year. But when he doesn’t it means he is still trying to climb up the calendar and he’s just late.

I hope you enjoyed the Feb. 29th Story 🙂

The Black Mouse Toy


My little sister G.J was trying to prank me and she placed this mouse on the floor and screamed “MOUSE!” and I didn’t fall for it. Now for the rest of the day she has been placing this weird mouse toy around the house.

Places she placed this weird mouse.

1. On the bathroom floor

2. In the sink

3. Flying across the room

4. On the shower tap

5. On my camera

6. On my laptop

What a weird mouse 🙂