Creeper War!

M older brother and I hide our creeper plushies and we tried to look for them. We used long balloons as arrows and then whoever found both Creepers and placed them on the dining room table won! I won because I found his Creeper (Which he hid behind the coat rack) I then got my Creeper out of her hiding spot and won! It was a very fun game and I can’t wait to play again! 🙂


Creeper Plush

Back To School :(

School is back and I’m already bored 😦 Now that school is back I won’t be able to post videos as often, sorry 😦 But hopefully Katelan’s life and my Saturday Challenge will be uploaded this week! I can’t wait till Saturday and Sunday because no school! 😀


Creeper Plush From J!!!!!!

Creeper PlushA few days ago I got the cutest creeper plush EVER! This creeper plush is 14 inches tall and he’s SUPER smooshy! And squishy and soft and huggable and just amazing!!! (That was a lot of ands) If you press the right side of his adorable body he will make the creeper ssssss boom sound! I will make a video and review on him so stayed tuned!

10 Reasons Why The Kobo Arc Is AMAZING!

1. It’s nice to hold

2. You can read books AND listen to music

3. You can go on the internet

4. You can take pictures and edit them

5. It comes in two colours

6. When you get an Email it makes a cute sound

7. You can video chat with friends and family if downloaded Skype

8. It is strong! (I’ve dropped it on the floor and it’s still a okay!)

9. Tapistries

10. You can download games

And many more! So even if it coast a lot of money I think it’s worth it! The Kobo Arc is awesome and I highly recommend it! There is still lots to discover and I’ve only discovered some stuff on it! Anyway the Kobo Arc is amazing and I love it! I even named it “Koboy!”