Why I Hate Mondays

So here are a few reasons why I hate Mondays….

1. School

2. I have to clean 😦

3. Waking up early

4. Not a lot of time to write my blog 😦

5. Boring

6. Friends are sooooo busy!

7. No time to have fun 😦

8. Monday is not Saturday

9. No time to make videos

10. Can’t stay up late 😦

So there are some reason why I don’t like Mondays. Enjoy πŸ™‚

Tooth Brush!

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So after my Saturday challenge “Eat a Clove of Garlic” I brushed my teeth with my tooth brush and after that it was ruined 😦 So my grandma got me a new tooth brush and it is amazing! It’s called the “Colgate 360” it’s a REALLY good tooth brush! On the back of the tooth brush is aΒ tongue brush thingy so you can clean your tongue πŸ™‚ Overall it’s a really good tooth brush and I highly recommend it! It’s the best tooth brush ever πŸ™‚